

How to Perform Correct Phonograms Testing on the Base of Its Record Quality?

Fine sound system is a tool that let perform correct (competent) work with phonograms (listen, identify and select the best one).
The stereo system (CD player, amplifier, loadspeaker or headphones) is exactly can be called the first and main component of sound testing procedure.
Ultimately the result (quality) of performed work depends on accuracy of such sound system structure.
In a such like Hi-End movement everything is allowed (within the Acoustic Laws) practically without any limitations in case if this allows to achieve even the tiniest little increase in sound quality within the sound systems that are being built. Selection and choice of elements (details) + its adjustment on the equipment adequate to its level + development of schematic decisions… and etc. This work is performed on the base of knowledge, gaining information (any innovations), practical researches as well as successful discoveries and decisions.
The main works on factory settings of future audio system’s components are performed with application of various measuring equipment (facility). And human hearing is used in case of settings of the system assembled from separate factory components.
The main factor in phonogram selection is awareness on what exactly attention is to be paid while phonogram listening (separate sounds or polyphonic orchestra sound).
While building of stereo (mono) systems there is a need of correct (expert) selection of details from which this system will consist (test measurements, tests, comparisons and etc.).
Harmonization of components (details) from which the system consists (selection, searching and taking of schematic decision).
Testing on measuring (precision) equipment (primary works).
Bringing to the optimal condition by aural method (“aural measurement”).
Listening room (calculations and development of room acoustics).
Combination of loudspeakers with the room (installation of loudspeakers on its proper places in the listening room).
LR = listening room.
Optimization and harmonization of operation of all components from which the whole complex in general consists.
Meeting of all these simple requirements and conditions will allow reasonably and accurately define phonograms that worth attention with little difficulties.
Knowledge and own hearing are required for analytics of the events.


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