


People (collectors, users, students, consumers …), however you can name all those who love to listen to good music in a good performance and high-quality sound, those who understand what he wants to hear and listen, those who are able to think and analyze, to understand the idea of the author’s (composer) musical works and hear emotional involvement of music.

Lots of people has already noticed and pointed out (and it was heard exactly by everyone) that there are differences in the sound recordings depending on artist, and especially from different publishers (firms that publish and sell music recordings).
For example, if you compare the sound, or rather the same pitch sound recording of various groups of instruments and issued by different companies it makes not difficult to hear the difference in sound recordings. Some companies create a record with a more open sound, while others create a closed sound.

Why is it so?
Those, who work on it, see, hear, want and obliged to create and present the sound in such a way, we can say that they create their signature, recognizable sound.

And what do these differences exist for and for what they were created?

It is not possible to explain it briefly, due to an incredibly enormous theme. But in accessible, human language, and in simplified form it can be represented in following way.
We can start with the fact that the various record companies are differentiated in the sound recording world to identify themselves (their signature sound) and its location (market place) in the vast world of sound recording, ie recognizable signature sound. One succeeds to a greater extent, but there are some who failed.
Recording studios or tone studios in addition to acoustically prepared rooms and microphones have a recording technique, and it efficiently affects the specific sound recordings or recording quality. The way of choosing and preparation of this technique is also of great importance for the final sound recording.

After all the work done in the studio, this place soundtrack is prepared for circulation at the manufactory, where circulation is created. To prepare for replication it is also used a technological equipment (technical necessity). Interferes with the sound equipment also have to be taken into account. It should be noted that the lion’s share of the music recording information can be lost at this stage while preparation and production of circulation. That’s why D.S.E. & P.S.L. does not use replicated manufactories services.
The circulation is made, and we (consumers) find a particular artist and buy the record.

With the help of our home or car systems we listen to artists elected by us.
How match all of the above (we are talking only about the sound) with our stereo system, which actively participates in the sound, of course, we do not know, because there is nothing to compare with.
Now it’s time to activate the role of sound (selected and recorded music programs) from D.S.E. & P.S.L.
In the previously given information about D.S.E. & P.S.L., one of its main tasks is to «extract» and fixate (record) the greatest amount of information in selected and tested phonograms.
This work comprises all the factors listed above.

For what and for whom such programs can be useful and interesting?

Of course besides discovering new unknown artists, it is possible to hear much more information in sound recordings of familiar, favorite artists, because while selection of musical material, high-precision stereo systems (paths) for testing are used. Such systems were selected on the basis of teamwork ( harmonized components), and as a result — they can accurately and without any problems to determine the merits or demerits in the works (sound recordings) of all those artists who can be selected for further work with sound.

In such work also important are properly installed speakers on their points. Don’t forget that for each room and for each pair of speakers these points are different! The technique is described on the website — (Installation). This technique allows to obtain a three-dimensional sound field, moreover, for use of such installation procedures, the upper and lower reverberant field in the record must be taken into account, and it allows the listener to become an involved participant to the events that occur while working with sound recording in a recording studio or concert sites.

There are several stereo systems on the web-site (Sound Control (Using The Mentioned Harmonized Stereo Systems, The Phonograms Shall Be Tested)). On stereo systems listed above, the control and selection procedures of musical material are made, as well as tapped ready works from D.S.E. & P.S.L. After last control listening the decision about the quality of the work is made.

Thus, accuracy in reproducing the work of stereo or mono system can be taken as the basis of sound reproduction. Regular user, the listener will have no opportunity or desire to take care of all that selection (and he’s absolutely right), any normal person wants to listen to music in a good quality and sound. The most suitable for it are works (selected and recorded music programs) of D.S.E. & P.S.L.
D.S.E. & P.S.L. does not interfere with the sound of the original fabric of phonograms, does not bring anything new in it, moreover, it is not possible, because nothing can influence the complete work or change something in it, and it must be properly understood.

There is a mistaken thought and misinformation from people who represent the works of D.S.E. & P.S.L., as a process to enhance the color of sound canvases, improve any nuances in the recording. Come up and spread this misinformation, mostly, sellers of equipment + sellers of circulation publications CD, Vinyl …, it is obvious that information on the works of D.S.E. & P.S.L., frightens and prevent their sales, and they do not want to compete, and do not know how. Such a result and conclusions is showed and proved on practice.
D.S.E. & P.S.L. only work on the production of the music information quantity, quality and accuracy. Fixes (tapes) the selected music information on the exact harmonized recording systems. The result of work is much more quantitative and qualitative music information in the records (music programs) created by D.S.E. & P.S.L. This information can be easily heard and listened, without any additional expenses on existing stereo or mono systems of any complexity.

All musical material has passed through all the stages of listening, evaluation and sound quality determination, using reading harmonized systems (paths), was selected with stringent requirements for sound quality in the recording and publishing companies with a lot of not-through musical material (scrappage) due to the bad quality of the music information recording.

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